Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Final Chapter

After a glitch in my blog (you may have noticed the page showing up blank) I'm back! And I'm here to say: good bye.

Yes, my run as alum blogger is over. It's been fun, and I'm grateful to all five of you who have been reading. I hope you've learned something.

And what did I learn? It just so happens that the end of this blog coincides with my one-year anniversary on the job--so you'd think I'd have learned a lot. And I have. I'm more knowledgeable about the media, I can book a (somewhat) successful tour, I've learned when to speak up and when to keep my mouth shut.

But I'm also closing my freshman year in the real world with more questions than answers in regards to my career. I still wonder how I can give my books and authors that extra boost, if I'm making a difference, and if, in fact, this is the right job for me.

All this doubt can be daunting; sometimes I want to pack up and head back to Ann Arbor and re-enroll. Yet the doubt can also be invigorating. Your life does not have to become predictable unless you let it be so. Armed with an education, experience, and good sense you can do pretty much anything. Except, of course, get people to read your blog ;)

Good bye and Go Blue!



At June 4, 2007 at 11:43 PM , Blogger Jern said...

It's good.


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