Saturday, March 24, 2007

I Love NY in the Springtime

Spring has begun--though it doesn't quite feel like it yet. Spring and fall are the best seasons here because, to be very honest, millions of bodies and extreme temperatures don't mix. I don't think I have to go into summer, but winter can be just as bad. Everyone crammed into a subway car with their parkas and gloves on--it's very uncomfortable. And then there's the slush. Snow doesn't stay snow for long on NY city streets. It becomes grayish-brown muck that sticks to your shoes and coats the sidewalks, stairs, and subways.

Anyway, I'm very excited for spring to be here, and it's good to have something to look forward to. Sometimes this city can get you down. February was bleak, work was busy, and I never got home until after dark. (Thank goodness for the early time change!) NY is a tough town, as I'm sure you've heard, and there's a lot to consider before you move here.

Are you careful with money?

I know $$ comes up a lot in my blog, but it's for good reason. It's expensive to live here and entry-level salaries don't always reflect that (in "creative" jobs in particular, like publishing.) I made the choice to live in an outer borough, away from the BF and the fun of Manhattan, because it was cheaper. Despite the great nightlife, I hardly ever go out because the drinks, cover charge, and cab fare add up quickly. Even a movie costs almost $12! It's important to be able to have fun on the cheap; I walk a lot. Today, for example, the BF and I spent the day in Brooklyn, walking around, going to Prospect Park, people watching. In the summer there's free concerts, outdoor movies...NY can be a great place to live when you have shallow pockets, IF you're creative.

Can you deal with crowds?

There's something like 6 million people here. If you are easily annoyed, get nervous in large groups, and/or insist on your 3-foot radius of personal space, you'll have to get over that quickly.

Are you OK being a small fish in a big pond?

Tired analogy, I know, but it fits. One of the best things, in my opinion (OK, BF's opinion too) is that in NY you are surrounded by some of the smartest people in the world, the best in their field. Not to mention you're also surrounded by the most talented performers, the most beautiful actresses and models... It can make you feel small if you're not careful. It can be wonderful once you appreciate you are learning from the best.

Are you independent?

Moving to NY often means leaving family and friends behind. It's tough sometimes when I'm sitting alone in my apartment with my cat, and I hear what everyone is doing back in Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Chicago. But I can get through it because I have my job, my hobbies, my routines--I'm building a life here. It can never replace what I left behind, but it's good because I am growing.

...And maybe that's the best reason to move to New York: it forces you to grow up.


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