Wherever You Go...Go Blue
Before you shrug off my "endorsement", you should know that I am not much of a joiner. I belonged to maybe 2 clubs at UofM, but never saw either club's project to completion. I never belonged to a sorority. I played intramurals, but that didn't count since it was with friends, not strangers. So if I say, "Sign up!" you should take my word for it.
Since moving to NY I have participated in three alumni events. The first was volunteering at an animal shelter in Brooklyn. We walked the shelter dogs, then went out for drinks afterwards. It was very low-key and a lot of fun.
A few months ago the alumni association procured discount tickets to "My Fair Lady". Kelsey Grammer was playing Henry Higgins, and the extremely talented Kelly O'Hara was playing Eliza Dolittle. I dragged the BF to it and it was fantastic! It was a limited engagement (only 4 performances) and I probably could not have afforded tickets otherwise.
The latest event I went to, I was dragged to by the BF. Tim McCormick, former Michigan and NBA player, was giving a talk. Having seen him on ESPN numerous times, the BF was really excited. I was excited for the open bar. Tim ended up being a very enthusiastic and entertaining speaker. He had played with Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Larry Byrd, all the greats--and had learned a lot from sharing the court with them. Maybe his motivation had rubbed off on me a little--the next day I was an hour earlier for work as usual.
So in closing: stay active with your alumni association! It's a great way to meet people, and to get to know your new city. At the very least, at least you'll have a group to watch Michigan games with. Go Blue!